Equinox (2020–) is a gripping Danish supernatural thriller that follows Astrid, a woman haunted by the inexplicable vanishing of her school class in 1999. Determined to uncover the truth behind this traumatic event, Astrid embarks on a quest for answers when she learns that the sole survivor from their class has mysteriously passed away two decades later. As Astrid delves deeper into the mystery, she unravels a disturbing connection between the past and present.
Set in a small Danish town, Equinox carefully weaves together elements of horror, suspense, and drama, creating an irresistible blend of genres. The show not only focuses on Astrid's personal journey but also explores themes of grief, loss, and the unceasing search for closure.
With a visually stunning aesthetic and a hauntingly atmospheric soundtrack, Equinox captivates viewers from the first episode. The series expertly keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, as Astrid's investigation unearths dark secrets and reveals a malevolent force that threatens to consume her.
As Astrid races against time, she must confront her own fears and confront the shadowy entity lurking in the shadows. Equinox is an addictive mystery that will leave audiences spellbound, questioning the nature of reality and the true price of seeking the truth.
Also Known As:
EquinoxRelease Date:
30 Dec 2020Writers:
Tea LindeburgAwards:
1 nomination