Enough Said is a heartwarming romantic comedy that follows the story of Eva, a divorced woman who embarks on a new romantic journey. Determined to find love again, she meets Albert, a sweet and charming man who captures her interest. However, a twist of fate reveals that Albert happens to be the ex-husband of Eva's new friend Marianne.
As Eva navigates this tricky situation, she is torn between pursuing her feelings for Albert and maintaining her friendship with Marianne. Caught in a web of lies and secrets, Eva faces the challenge of keeping her relationships intact while grappling with her own insecurities.
With its relatable characters and sharp dialogue, Enough Said explores the complexities of romance, friendship, and the fear of repeating past mistakes. It touches upon the universal theme of trust, reminding us of the importance of honest communication in every relationship.
This heartwarming tale is brought to life by the incredible performances of the cast, with Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Eva and James Gandolfini in one of his final roles as Albert, delivering truly touching and nuanced portrayals. Captivating from start to finish, Enough Said is a delightful and thought-provoking film that explores the joys and pitfalls of love and friendship.
Also Known As:
Enough SaidRelease Date:
11 Oct 2013Writers:
Nicole HolofcenerAwards:
8 wins & 38 nominations