In the gripping war thriller Enemy Lines (2020), set in World War II, a courageous group of allied commandos embarks on a perilous mission in occupied Poland. Their objective is to rescue a brilliant rocket scientist from the clutches of the Nazi regime. Directed by Anders Banke, this heart-pounding film takes viewers to the frozen and war-ravaged landscapes of Poland.
As the commandos venture behind enemy lines, they must navigate treacherous terrain and evade the ever-watchful eyes of the Nazis. Their mission becomes a race against time, as the scientist's expertise could turn the tide of the war. With their skills and determination tested to the limit, the commandos must rely on their resourcefulness and camaraderie to survive.
Enemy Lines offers an intense and atmospheric portrayal of wartime Europe, highlighting the bravery and sacrifices made by soldiers during this period. The film showcases the high stakes and deadly consequences faced by those who dared to defy the Nazi regime.
With its stunning cinematography and thrilling action sequences, Enemy Lines immerses viewers in the harrowing world of World War II. This gripping tale of heroism and resilience serves as a powerful reminder of the courage displayed by individuals in the face of extraordinary circumstances.
Also Known As:
Enemy LinesWriters:
Michael Wright (screenplay), Tom George (story)