Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010) is an intense Brazilian crime thriller that follows the story of former-Captain Nascimento, now a high-ranking security officer in Rio de Janeiro. The movie takes place after a prison riot, where Nascimento finds himself embroiled in a bloody political dispute involving government officials and paramilitary groups.
As the plot unfolds, Nascimento realizes that corrupt politicians and influential figures in the city are abusing their power and making deals with dangerous crime organizations. In his quest for justice, he navigates through a complex web of deceit and violence, determined to expose the truth and bring down those responsible. With his experience and determination, Nascimento becomes a pivotal figure in the battle against corruption and crime in Rio de Janeiro.
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within is filled with action-packed sequences and gripping suspense that keeps viewers at the edge of their seats. The movie explores themes of betrayal, loyalty, and the struggle for justice in a city plagued by crime and corruption.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker José Padilha, the film offers an authentic portrayal of the challenges law enforcement faces in Brazil. With its realistic depiction of Rio de Janeiro's gritty underbelly, Elite Squad: The Enemy Within provides an immersive viewing experience that offers a deep insight into the city's social and political issues.
This compelling crime thriller is a must-watch for fans of action-packed dramas with a strong social message. Prepare to be captivated by Elite Squad: The Enemy Within's intense storyline, powerful performances, and thought-provoking themes.
Also Known As:
Elite Squad 2: The Enemy WithinRelease Date:
08 Oct 2010Writers:
José Padilha, Rodrigo Pimentel, Bráulio MantovaniAwards:
45 wins & 19 nominations