Elf (2003) is a heartwarming and comedic holiday film that tells the story of Buddy, a human who was raised by elves in the magical North Pole. As a baby, Buddy accidentally stowed away in Santa's sack and ended up at the workshop. Despite being different from the other elves, Buddy grows up with love and affection from Papa Elf, Santa's right-hand elf.
One day, Santa allows Buddy to travel to New York City to find his birth father, Walter Hobbs, who is on Santa's naughty list for being a heartless businessman. Walter has no idea that Buddy even exists. Excited and full of Christmas spirit, Buddy embarks on a journey to the big city.
In New York, Buddy experiences the wonders of human culture for the first time. He wears his elf outfit proudly, spreading Christmas cheer wherever he goes. Buddy's childlike innocence and joy bring delight to those around him, but his unique personality clashes with the cynicism and stress of the city.
As Buddy tries to connect with Walter, he unintentionally interferes with his father's work and relationships. This leads Walter to reevaluate his priorities and rediscover the importance of family and love. Along the way, Buddy also falls in love with Jovie, a kind-hearted woman working at a department store.
Will Buddy be able to bring his newfound family together and save Christmas? Find out in this funny and heartwarming adventure that reminds us of the true spirit of the holiday season.