In El Narco (2010), Benjamin Garcia, also known as Benny, finds himself deported back to Mexico after his time in the United States. Upon his return, Benny is faced with a grim reality but soon gets drawn into the world of narco business. For the first time, Benny experiences a meteoric rise, surrounded by wealth, women, violence, and excitement.
This epic black comedy delves into the world of the Mafia and organized crime, shedding light on the current state of Mexico. As Benny embraces this criminal lifestyle, he is lured by its promises of power and riches. However, it doesn't take long for him to discover that the criminal life doesn't always deliver what it advertises.
El Narco provides viewers with a unique perspective on the Mexican drug trade and helps answer the burning question of what is happening in Mexico today. With its dark humor and compelling storyline, this film delves into the complexities of the underworld and serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences that come with venturing into a life of crime. Experience the thrilling and eye-opening world of narco with El Narco.