In the animated film Early Man, viewers are transported to the prehistoric era, where creatures like woolly mammoths roamed the Earth. The story revolves around a young caveman named Dug and his loyal companion Hognob. Together, they embark on a quest to defend their tribe and their home against the powerful Lord Nooth and his advanced Bronze Age City.
As Dug and his tribe face the threat of being evicted from their valley by Lord Nooth, they must find a way to protect their land. Dug discovers that their only chance of survival lies in challenging Lord Nooth to a winner-takes-all game, a soccer match. However, there's one problem - none of them know how to play soccer!
Dug and Hognob set out on an adventure to learn the game, enlisting the help of a skilled young woman named Goona. Together, they train Dug's tribe to become skilled soccer players, with hopes of defeating Lord Nooth's formidable team.
Early Man is a heartwarming tale of teamwork, perseverance, and the unlikely triumph of the underdogs. With stunning animation and a charming storyline, this film is sure to entertain audiences of all ages. Join Dug and his lovable sidekick as they unite their tribe and go head-to-head against the powerful Lord Nooth in an epic soccer showdown. Will Dug's tribe emerge victorious and save their home? Find out in Early Man.