Eagle vs Shark is a quirky romantic comedy set in Wellington that follows the story of Lily, a socially awkward and introverted woman, who finds herself inexplicably attracted to Jerrod, a loser who holds a deep grudge against a high school tormentor. Lily is recently unemployed, and when Jerrod invites her to his hometown to confront his nemesis, she agrees and embarks on a journey that will change her life.
Upon arriving in Jerrod's seacoast town, Lily meets his peculiar family, including his father and his daughter from a one-night stand. Throughout the visit, Jerrod treats Lily poorly, even inventing a fake relationship with a woman he had a crush on in the past. Lily, constantly questioning their relationship, contemplates whether she should leave.
As the story unfolds, Lily discovers the deep pain and unresolved issues that Jerrod carries, including the memory of his deceased and talented brother. She begins to see a different side to Jerrod, one that is vulnerable and in need of healing. Lily must decide if she can look past his flaws and give their relationship a chance.
Eagle vs Shark is a heartwarming tale of unlikely love and personal growth, showcasing the complexities of human connections and the power of acceptance. Will Lily find the strength to stand up for herself and confront her own fears? Will Jerrod find redemption and discover what truly matters in life? Discover the answers in this beautifully quirky film about love, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness.