In the movie Miss X-Large (2018), the story revolves around a high school student named Willowdean, affectionately called Dumplin due to her plus-size figure. She happens to be the daughter of a former beauty queen, which has always made her feel out of place. As an act of rebellion and protest against the conventional beauty standards in her small Texas town, Willowdean decides to enter her mother's prestigious Miss Teen Bluebonnet pageant.
What starts as a personal statement quickly escalates when other unlikely contestants join Willowdean on her mission. This unexpected revolution sparks a wave of change and challenges the traditional norms surrounding beauty and acceptance in their community. As tensions rise in the quest for inclusivity and self-expression, the pageant and the town as a whole undergo a profound transformation.
Miss X-Large combines humor, heart, and empowerment as it follows Willowdean's journey of self-discovery and acceptance. This heartwarming and inspiring movie highlights the importance of embracing individuality, challenging societal norms, and advocating for inclusivity. As the story unfolds, it offers a powerful message about the importance of self-love and the beauty that lies within every person, regardless of their size.
Don't miss this captivating film that showcases the power of unity and the ability to redefine beauty standards. Join Willowdean and her fellow contestants on their extraordinary mission to change hearts and minds in a small Texas town, in the heartwarming and empowering movie Miss X-Large.
Also Known As:
Dumplin'Release Date:
07 Dec 2018Writers:
Kristin Hahn (screenplay by), Julie Murphy (based on the novel by)