In the high-octane action film Driven (2001), talented rookie race-car driver Jimmy Bly faces intense pressure as he begins to lose his focus and slip in the race rankings. With his overly ambitious promoter brother constantly pushing him and a romantic entanglement with his arch rival's girlfriend Sophia, Bly's professional and personal life begins to unravel.
To salvage Bly's career, car owner Carl Henry brings Joe Tanto, a former racing star, out of retirement to mentor the struggling driver. However, Tanto must confront his own emotional scars from a near-fatal racing accident before he can help Bly get back on track.
As the duo join forces, they embark on a thrilling journey filled with high-speed races, intense rivalries, and heart-stopping crashes. With so much at stake, Bly and Tanto must confront their inner demons and push themselves to the limit in order to succeed.
Packed with adrenaline-pumping race sequences, Driven offers an exhilarating blend of action and drama. The film explores themes of perseverance, redemption, and the human spirit, while showcasing the adrenaline-fueled world of professional car racing.
Get ready for a pulse-pounding experience as you witness the rise and fall of a young race-car driver, and the ultimate quest for glory in Driven.