In the documentary film Dries, viewers are invited into the world of renowned fashion designer Dries Van Noten. Through an intimate portrait, the film provides a rare glimpse into the life and creative process of the fashion mastermind. Over the span of one year, director Reiner Holzemer shadows Van Noten as he works on four collections, immersing audiences in his creative journey.
What sets Van Noten apart from many others in the industry is his commitment to remaining independent, even in the face of fashion consolidation and globalization. For over 25 years, he has steadfastly maintained control over his brand and creative vision, a feat that is increasingly rare in the fashion world.
Throughout the film, viewers gain a deeper understanding of Van Noten's unique perspective and design philosophy. They witness his meticulous attention to detail, his passion for storytelling, and his unyielding dedication to craftsmanship. From the initial sketches to the final runway presentations, every step of the creative process is showcased, allowing audiences to fully appreciate the artistry behind each collection.
Dries is a must-watch for fashion enthusiasts and anyone interested in the creative process. It offers an engaging and insightful exploration into the mind and heart of one of the industry's most revered designers. Get ready to be inspired and captivated by the incredible talent that is Dries Van Noten.
Also Known As:
DriesRelease Date:
29 Jun 2017Writers:
Reiner Holzemer