Dredd, a thrilling action film set in a dystopian future, takes place in a violent city in which police have the power to act as judge, jury, and executioner. The story centers around Judge Dredd, a no-nonsense cop notorious for his unwavering commitment to justice. When a ruthless gang begins distributing the dangerous drug SLO-MO, which alters perception of time, Dredd teams up with a trainee, Anderson, who possesses psychic abilities.
Together, Dredd and Anderson embark on a mission to bring down the gang and restore order. As they navigate through a city teeming with chaos, they confront dangerous criminals and face numerous challenges that test their skills and resolve.
Dredd combines intense action sequences with stunning visual effects, immersing viewers in a gritty and atmospheric world. The film explores themes of justice, corruption, and the boundaries of law enforcement, presenting a thought-provoking narrative against a backdrop of relentless action.
With its pulsating soundtrack and captivating performances, Dredd keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Directed by Pete Travis and starring Karl Urban as the enigmatic Judge Dredd, this adrenaline-fueled film offers a thrilling and immersive experience for fans of action and dystopian stories.
Also Known As:
DreddRelease Date:
21 Sep 2012Writers:
John Wagner, Carlos Ezquerra, Alex GarlandAwards:
2 wins & 14 nominations