Doula is an emotionally impactful and thought-provoking drama set in Los Angeles. This touching film revolves around a couple who experience the sudden loss of their trusted midwife. In search of support during this difficult time, they make the unconventional decision to hire her son as their live-in doula.
With a runtime of [insert runtime], Doula portrays the couple's journey through grief and healing in a raw and authentic manner. Through the lens of their unique relationship with the midwife's son, the film explores themes of love, loss, and the complexities of human emotions.
As the couple welcomes the doula into their home, their lives become intertwined. Together, they navigate the intricate emotional landscape of mourning while uncovering the meaningful connections each character shares with the late midwife. With the backdrop of Los Angeles serving as a backdrop, the city plays a pivotal role in the story, reflecting the diverse and ever-changing nature of life.
Doula is a heartfelt and deeply moving film that delves into the profound impact of grief and the healing power of human connection. It offers a sensitive exploration of loss and the strength that can be found in unexpected places. Don't miss this captivating drama about finding support, hope, and ultimately, a way forward through life's darkest moments.
Also Known As:
DoulaRelease Date:
20 Jun 2022Writers:
Will Janowitz, Arron Shiver