Doubles vies is a captivating dramatic comedy that takes place in the Parisian publishing world. The movie follows the lives of Alain, a renowned editor, and Léonard, a talented author, as they navigate a midlife crisis, the evolving industry, and their relationships with their wives.
Alain and Léonard's lives intertwine as they struggle to adapt to the digital age in their profession. With traditional publishing facing challenges from e-books and online platforms, Alain must confront his own relevance in the industry. Meanwhile, Léonard grapples with the consequences that arise when his latest novel draws parallels to his personal life.
As the story unfolds, the characters' wives, Selena and Valerie, also share the spotlight. Selena, married to Alain, is a successful actress facing her own doubts about her career. Valerie, Léonard's wife, is a strong-willed political consultant who must confront her own desires.
Through witty and thought-provoking dialogue, Doubles vies explores the complexities of marriage, art, and the ever-changing landscape of the publishing world. With a stellar cast and expert direction from acclaimed filmmaker Olivier Assayas, this film is a must-watch for fans of character-driven stories and intelligent humor.
Doubles vies offers a humorous yet introspective look into the lives of its characters, capturing the essence of an industry in flux and the challenges faced by individuals in the process.
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