In Dolls (2019), a struggling children's book author and his rebellious teenage daughter embark on a new chapter of their lives when they move into a house they've inherited. However, their excitement turns into a chilling nightmare when they discover mysterious dolls hidden away in the attic. As they delve deeper into the dolls' origins, they realize that these seemingly innocent objects hold a sinister secret and a deadly past.
Directed by an acclaimed horror filmmaker, Dolls weaves a haunting tale of suspense and terror. The film revolves around the father-daughter duo, who find themselves trapped in a nightmarish reality as they uncover the dark history surrounding the dolls. With each passing moment, their lives become increasingly threatened, and they must fight to survive the terrifying force that the dolls possess.
This psychological horror film delivers an atmospheric and suspenseful narrative, with chilling moments that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Dolls explores themes of family, the supernatural, and the consequences of unraveling forbidden secrets. With its eerie visuals and spine-tingling sound design, this movie offers a gripping and unsettling viewing experience.
For fans of supernatural horror, Dolls offers a unique and haunting story that will leave audiences questioning what lurks behind seemingly harmless objects. Prepare to be enthralled and terrified as you witness the deadly power of the dolls unleashed.