Ivan Kavanagh
Crime/ Mystery Drama series After a series of disappearances of young women, newspaper reporter Lisa Wallace (26), sets out to find the man responsible who she believes is the same man who murdered her mother almost twenty years earlier.
Category: Drama, Thriller
Stars: Adam John Richardson, Laoise Sweeney, Fionnuala Murphy
An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful American frontier town, but his family comes under threat as the death toll rises.
Category: Drama, Western
Stars: Emile Hirsch, John Cusack, Déborah François
A film archivist finds his sanity crumbling after he is given an old 16mm film reel with footage from a horrific murder that occurred in the early 1900's.
Category: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Stars: Rupert Evans, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Hannah Hoekstra