Dicks: The Musical is a hilarious comedy (2023) that follows the story of two bitter business rivals, Jeff and Dave. To their utter surprise, they stumble upon the shocking truth that they are actually long-lost identical twins. In an attempt to mend their broken family, the mischievous brothers hatch a plan to swap places and trick their divorced parents into rekindling their romance.
As the charismatic duo dive headfirst into their roles, they face a series of hilarious and unpredictable situations. With Jeff impersonating Dave and vice versa, they navigate their way through the chaos of work, relationships, and their eccentric colleagues. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of family and the importance of forgiveness.
Filled with side-splitting comedy and witty musical numbers, Dicks: The Musical guarantees non-stop laughter and heartwarming moments. This light-hearted comedy will leave the audience in stitches as they follow the unexpected antics of Jeff and Dave. Will their elaborate plan succeed in reuniting their parents? Find out in this uproarious musical that proves laughter truly is the best medicine.
Don't miss this feel-good comedy that reminds us of the bond of family and the power of love. Get ready to sing, laugh, and dance your way through this comedic masterpiece, as Dicks: The Musical promises a joyous ride from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Dicks: The MusicalRelease Date:
20 Oct 2023Writers:
Aaron Jackson, Josh SharpAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination