In Deux Flics Pour Une Bique (2021), two bumbling police officers embark on a wild and hilarious adventure. The story begins when they are tasked with finding Celestina, a popular goat mascot who has gone missing. Little do they know that their search for the beloved goat will lead them into a world of dangerous criminals.
As the two cops delve deeper into the investigation, they find themselves in over their heads. They cross paths with a variety of colorful characters, each with their own hidden agendas. Amidst the chaos, they must navigate a treacherous underworld while trying to locate Celestina and restore peace in their city.
This action-packed and comedic film guarantees non-stop laughter as the duo face one ridiculous situation after another. With their clumsy yet endearing personalities, the two cops bring a unique charm to the screen.
Deux Flics Pour Une Bique combines elements of buddy cop comedies with a thrilling crime story, providing an entertaining and unpredictable ride from start to finish. With its engaging storyline, hilarious moments, and unforgettable characters, this film is perfect for those seeking a lighthearted and exciting cinematic experience. Watch as these two fumbling officers strive to save the day and reunite with the beloved goat, Celestina.