Detective Knight: Redemption (2022) takes viewers on an intense thrill ride through the streets of New York City. The film centers around Detective James Knight, who finds himself in the middle of a high-stakes jailbreak led by the infamous Christmas Bomber. This brutal fanatic, along with his Santa Claus disciples, is terrorizing the city, spreading fear and chaos during the holiday season.
As Detective Knight navigates the dangerous streets, he must confront his past and make difficult choices to protect the innocent. With the promise of his badge being reinstated, he is motivated to bring down The Christmas Bomber and restore peace to the city.
The movie combines elements of action, suspense, and drama, delivering a rollercoaster experience for audiences. The fast-paced plot keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Detective Knight races against time to stop the escalating violence.
Featuring stunning visuals and intense action sequences, Detective Knight: Redemption showcases the gritty side of New York City while delving into the complexities of Knight's character. As the suspense builds, the film explores themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the power of justice.
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride through the dark underbelly of the city in Detective Knight: Redemption. Will Detective Knight be able to overcome his own demons and save the day? Stream now to find out.
Also Known As:
Detective Knight: RedemptionRelease Date:
09 Dec 2022Writers:
Edward Drake, Corey Large