Summary: Desert Dancer is a captivating film based on a remarkable true story set in Iran. In a country where dancing is forbidden, brave young individuals risk their lives to pursue their dreams. The plot revolves around Afshin Ghaffarian and his group of friends, who form an underground dance company, defying the strict government regulations. To perfect their skills, they resort to hacking YouTube and learning from iconic dancers such as Michael Jackson, Pina Bausch, Gene Kelly, and Rudolf Nureyev.
As they immerse themselves in the freedom of expression that dance offers, the group decides to perform an extraordinary dance routine deep in the desert, where they can evade surveillance. This act of rebellion becomes an inspiring symbol of resilience and unity. Desert Dancer portrays the journey of these courageous individuals as they overcome adversity and pursue their passion for dance in a society that suppresses self-expression.
This thought-provoking film highlights the power of art to transcend cultural barriers and ignite change. Desert Dancer showcases the determination and creativity required to pursue one's dreams, even in the face of immense obstacles. With its captivating storytelling and compelling performances, this film explores themes of freedom, friendship, and the pursuit of personal and artistic liberation. Desert Dancer is an inspiring tale that will leave viewers captivated by the strength and audacity of its protagonists.
Also Known As:
Desert DancerRelease Date:
22 Apr 2016Writers:
Jon Croker, Afshin GhaffarianAwards:
2 nominations