In the post-apocalyptic world of Delicatessen (1991), the landlord of an apartment building offers a tantalizing delicacy to his eccentric tenants, creating a bizarre and darkly comedic atmosphere. The film follows the interactions between the eccentric residents and the enigmatic landlord as they navigate through their bleak surroundings. As the tenants come and go, each with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies, the audience is taken on a twisted journey through a surreal and dystopian world.
Delicatessen delves into themes of survival, isolation, and human nature in a unique and visually stunning way, blending dark humor with haunting imagery. The film's intricate storytelling and unforgettable characters keep viewers engaged as they uncover the mysteries of the building and its inhabitants. With its mix of black comedy, surrealism, and social commentary, Delicatessen is a must-watch for fans of offbeat cinema.
Experience the strange and captivating world of Delicatessen, where nothing is as it seems and every bite comes with a side of intrigue. Discover the secrets lurking behind closed doors and the unexpected connections between the residents of this post-apocalyptic apartment building.
Also Known As:
DelicatessenRelease Date:
03 Apr 1992Writers:
Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro, Gilles AdrienAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award15 wins & 16 nominations total