In the movie Deathgasm (2015), two teenage boys named Brodie and Zakk find themselves trapped in a small New Zealand town, desperately trying to escape their mundane lives. In their search for excitement, they stumble upon a piece of sheet music that unknowingly summons an ancient evil entity called The Blind One. As chaos ensues around them, the boys must band together with their friends to battle the demonic forces that threaten to consume their town.
Deathgasm is a dark comedy horror film that combines elements of heavy metal music, black magic, and gory violence. Directed by Jason Lei Howden, the movie takes viewers on a thrilling and bloody journey as the teenagers fight for their lives and attempt to reverse the curse they have unleashed.
With its dark humor and creative use of special effects, Deathgasm offers a unique and entertaining take on the horror genre. The film explores themes of friendship, rebellion, and the power of music, all while maintaining a fast-paced and action-packed plot. Deathgasm is a gruesome and fun experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, and is a must-watch for fans of horror and heavy metal.
Also Known As:
DeathgasmRelease Date:
02 Oct 2015Writers:
Jason HowdenAwards:
15 wins & 10 nominations