Dave follows the journey of a man who bears an uncanny resemblance to the President of the United States and is enlisted by the Secret Service to serve as a temporary stand-in for the President. As he takes on this role, he discovers the complexities and demands of being the leader of a nation. Throughout the film, Dave is faced with challenges and responsibilities that force him to navigate the world of politics and power in ways he never imagined.
Filled with humor, heart, and a touch of drama, Dave delves into the idea of what it truly means to lead with integrity and compassion. Through his interactions with those around him, Dave learns valuable lessons about the importance of honesty, authenticity, and standing up for what is right.
With a stellar cast led by Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver, Dave is a charming and inspiring film that explores the impact one person can have when they are willing to step up and make a difference.
Also Known As:
DaveRelease Date:
07 May 1993Writers:
Gary RossAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 2 wins & 6 nominations total