Darling Companion is a heartwarming and comedic family film that centers around the beloved bond between humans and their pets. When mother and daughter duo, Beth and Grace, stumble upon a lost and bedraggled dog on the side of the freeway, they can't help but take it home and care for it. The dog, affectionately named Freeway, becomes a key part of their lives and even helps Grace find love.
However, not everyone in the family is as enthused about Freeway's presence. Beth's husband, Joseph, despises the dog and his disdain leads to tension and conflict in their marriage. The situation reaches a breaking point when, during a weekend wedding at their remote cabin, Joseph loses Freeway. Determined to find their beloved dog, Beth refuses to leave until he is found.
Joined by their nephew, Joseph's sister, her new boyfriend, and their eccentric psychic gypsy maid, the family embarks on a wild and comedic adventure to find Freeway. In their search for the missing dog, they also discover the importance of healing and reconnecting with their own relationships.
Darling Companion is a heartwarming tale that explores themes of love, family, and the powerful bond between humans and their pets. With its talented ensemble cast and delightful blend of humor and emotion, this film is a must-watch for anyone who cherishes their furry companions.