Dark Desire is a captivating and suspenseful Mexican drama series that premiered in 2020. The story revolves around Alma, a married woman who embarks on a weekend getaway that sets off a chain of events filled with passion, mystery, and unexpected twists. As Alma indulges in a steamy affair, tragedy strikes, prompting her to question the loyalty and honesty of those around her.
Throughout the series, Alma becomes entangled in a complex web of secrets, lies, and betrayal, leaving her unsure of who to trust. As the plot unfolds, viewers are kept on edge, eagerly trying to decipher the truth amidst the web of deceit. The gripping narrative expertly weaves together Alma's personal journey of self-discovery with a suspenseful mystery that keeps audiences hooked until the thrilling conclusion.
Dark Desire skillfully explores themes of love, desire, and the blurry line between passion and obsession. It delves into the complexities of human relationships while keeping viewers guessing until the very end. With its tantalizing plot, stunning performances, and sleek cinematography, this series is a must-watch for fans of compelling storytelling and intense psychological dramas.
Experience the thrills and emotional rollercoaster of Dark Desire as Alma's life is forever changed by a single fateful weekend, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew.
Also Known As:
Dark DesireRelease Date:
15 Jul 2020Writers:
Leticia López MargalliAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination