In the heart-pounding French film Dans la brume (2018), a family finds themselves in a struggle for survival when a catastrophic event descends upon Paris. In the blink of an eye, a dense and deadly fog engulfs the city, leaving the inhabitants trapped and uncertain of what lies beyond its chilling mist. With communication severed from the outside world, panic and chaos spread among the citizens.
Our eyes journey through the story with Mathieu and Anna, a couple who must protect their daughter Sarah from the lurking danger. As the family discovers that the fog carries a lethal toxin, they barricade themselves in their apartment, holding on to hope as they ration their meager supplies.
As time passes, Mathieu, Anna, and Sarah must confront their deepest fears, as survival becomes a daily battle with limited resources. While the family fights to stay alive, they form unexpected alliances with their neighbors, discovering strength in unity and compassion amidst the mayhem.
Dans la brume presents a gripping tale of resilience and determination in the face of impending disaster. With impressive visual effects and intense performances, this atmospheric French thriller will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning what they would do if faced with a similar situation. Prepare to be captivated and enthralled by a story of survival against all odds.
Also Known As:
Just a Breath Away