Danger Mouse is a popular animated children's series that first aired in 2015. Based on the 1981 series of the same name, the show follows the adventures of Danger Mouse, a clever and resourceful British spy, and his trusty hamster sidekick, Penfold. Produced by FremantleMedia, the show has gained a wide fan base for its humor and action-packed storylines.
In each episode, Danger Mouse and Penfold take on a variety of villains and protect the world from various threats. From battling evil robots to facing off against powerful supervillains, there is never a dull moment for this dynamic duo. With Danger Mouse's wit and intelligence, and Penfold's loyal and sometimes nervous nature, they make the perfect team.
The show is filled with humor, excitement, and unexpected twists, keeping young viewers engaged and entertained. Danger Mouse and Penfold encounter a colorful cast of characters, including their nemesis Baron Silas Greenback, and are often aided by their trusty gadget-master, Professor Squawkencluck.
With its clever storytelling and vibrant animation, Danger Mouse is a must-watch for children who love adventure and comedy. Whether they are fans of the original series or discovering Danger Mouse for the first time, this show is sure to captivate and entertain.
Also Known As:
Danger MouseRelease Date:
28 Sep 2015Writers:
Andrew DillonAwards:
4 nominations.