Daddy Issues (2019) is a captivating and edgy movie that explores the intricacies of modern relationships. The film revolves around Maya, a talented queer artist who encounters her social media crush, the vibrant and sexually fluid fashionista named Jasmine. The two quickly develop a profound connection and embark on a passionate romance.
As their world seems to be filled with joy and enchantment, Maya stumbles upon a shocking revelation about Jasmine's personal life. She discovers that Jasmine is involved in a hidden relationship with a secretive sugar daddy. This revelation forces Maya to grapple with her own insecurities and question the authenticity of their relationship.
Daddy Issues delves into the themes of love, trust, and the complexities of human desires. It portrays the challenges faced by Maya as she navigates the treacherous waters of modern love, exploring the blurred boundaries between genuine affection and financial arrangements.
This thought-provoking film will captivate audiences with its charming characters, stunning visuals, and emotionally charged storyline. Daddy Issues provides an honest portrayal of the struggles faced in relationships, exposing the vulnerabilities and complexities that come with pursuing love in a contemporary world. Get ready to be swept away by this captivating tale that will leave you pondering the true meaning of love and connection.