In the animated series Cupcake & Dino: General Services (2018–2019), viewers follow the adventures of Cupcake and his dinosaur brother as they navigate their way through a variety of odd jobs and challenges in an effort to achieve General Services status. The duo embarks on a series of comedic escapades, taking on tasks ranging from babysitting to solving mysteries, all with the ultimate goal of proving themselves to be worthy of the General Services name.
Through their lighthearted and humorous interactions, Cupcake and Dino showcase the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and friendship. As they encounter quirky characters and face unexpected obstacles, they must rely on each other to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. With vibrant animation, witty dialogue, and memorable characters, Cupcake & Dino: General Services offers an entertaining and heartwarming viewing experience for audiences of all ages.
Join Cupcake and Dino on their wild and wacky adventures as they strive to make it to the top in the world of General Services.
Also Known As:
Cupcake & Dino: General ServicesRelease Date:
27 Jul 2018Writers:
Mark Satterthwaite, Pedro EboliAwards:
1 win & 8 nominations