In Cry-Baby (1990), a humorous and satirical film directed by John Waters, viewers are transported back to the 1950s where Allison, a well-behaved and square girl, yearns to break free from her prim and proper life. All it takes is one encounter with Cry-Baby Walker, a rebellious greaser known as a Drape, for Allison's world to be turned upside down.
The movie hilariously parodies both Elvis Presley movies and the scare films of the '50s that warned of the dangers of juvenile delinquency. As Cry-Baby finds himself in juvie, he remains steadfast in his determination to defy societal and class boundaries to win back the heart of Allison.
Combining elements of romance, comedy, and musical numbers, Cry-Baby takes the audience on a wild and entertaining journey through the challenges faced by this unlikely couple as they navigate the cultural divisions of their time.
This cult classic showcases the unique and eccentric style that has become synonymous with John Waters' films. With an all-star cast including Johnny Depp, Amy Locane, and Tracy Lords, Cry-Baby is an offbeat and nostalgic homage to the rebels and outsiders who dared to challenge the norms of their era.
Sit back, relax, and get ready for a fun-filled trip to the '50s with Cry-Baby, a film that proves that even the most unexpected love can conquer all.