Crooks (2024-) follows the protagonist Charly, whose peaceful life in Berlin is suddenly upended when his past catches up with him, putting his family in danger. Forced to resort to stealing to protect them, Charly teams up with a driver named Joseph as they try to outrun their pursuers. As they navigate a series of obstacles and dangerous encounters, Charly must confront his past and make difficult decisions to ensure the safety of his loved ones.
Set against the backdrop of a tense and suspenseful atmosphere, Crooks is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With adrenaline-pumping action sequences and a complex web of relationships and motivations, the film delves deep into the consequences of one man's past choices and the lengths he will go to protect those he cares about.
With strong performances from the cast and a compelling storyline that keeps audiences guessing until the very end, Crooks is a must-watch for fans of thrillers and action-packed dramas.
Set against the backdrop of a tense and suspenseful atmosphere, Crooks is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With adrenaline-pumping action sequences and a complex web of relationships and motivations, the film delves deep into the consequences of one man's past choices and the lengths he will go to protect those he cares about.
With strong performances from the cast and a compelling storyline that keeps audiences guessing until the very end, Crooks is a must-watch for fans of thrillers and action-packed dramas.