In Critters Attack! (2019), a thrilling horror-comedy, a young woman named Drea finds herself in the unexpected role of a babysitter. As she reluctantly takes on the task of looking after three kids for the evening, Drea quickly realizes that it is no ordinary night.
Soon after her arrival, an invasion of hungry critters descends upon the small town. These tiny, ferocious creatures are on a ravenous quest for food. With the children's lives at stake, Drea must summon all her courage and resourcefulness to protect them from the bloodthirsty invaders.
As chaos ensues, Drea and the kids form an unlikely bond, banding together to outsmart the relentless critters. With every passing moment, the situation becomes increasingly dire, and the babysitter must think on her feet to navigate through the nightmarish mayhem.
Critters Attack! delivers a mix of suspense, horror, and humor, appealing to fans of both classic creature features and modern horror flicks. Striking a perfect balance between thrills and laughs, this film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next.
With its fast-paced action, lovable characters, and unexpected twists, Critters Attack! is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts and those seeking a thrilling movie night.
Also Known As:
Critters Attack!Release Date:
06 Nov 2020Writers:
Scott Lobdell