In the critically acclaimed movie Courage Under Fire (1996), the story revolves around the heroic actions of Captain Karen Walden, who tragically passed away right before her rescue helicopter crew was saved after a crash during Desert Storm. Captain Walden's initial actions seemed remarkable, as she supposedly conducted a daring rescue of a downed helicopter crew and led her own team in warding off Iraqi forces following the crash.
However, Lieutenant Colonel Serling, haunted by his personal traumas from Desert Storm, is tasked with investigating Captain Walden's eligibility for the prestigious Medal of Honor. As he delves deeper into his investigation, conflicting reports from the crew and other soldiers in the vicinity cast doubt on Captain Walden's worthiness for the accolade.
Drawn into a complex web of deception and political pressure, Serling faces a moral dilemma as he grapples with the truth behind Captain Walden's actions. As the investigation unfolds, Serling's own demons become ever more entwined, making it increasingly challenging for him to determine the truth amidst all the conflicting accounts.
Courage Under Fire is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores the themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the consequences of war. This powerful drama keeps audiences on the edge of their seats while raising poignant questions about the nature of bravery and the true essence of valor.
Also Known As:
Courage Under FireRelease Date:
12 Jul 1996Writers:
Patrick Sheane DuncanAwards:
9 wins & 7 nominations.