In the movie Cottage Country (2013), a dark comedy directed by Peter Wellington, audiences are thrust into a twisted tale of love, murder, and chaos. Meet Todd, an ordinary guy with simple dreams of a peaceful getaway in a secluded cabin with his fiancée Cammie. However, their idyllic retreat quickly takes a sinister turn when Todd accidentally kills his own brother with an ax.
Determined not to let this mishap ruin their plans, and blinded by their love, Todd and Cammie devise an audacious plan to cover up the murder. As they attempt to hide the body and maintain a façade of normality, their actions only lead to a series of unexpected and increasingly absurd events.
As the situation spirals out of control, the couple finds themselves embroiled in a web of deception, blackmail, and unexpected encounters with eccentric characters. Faced with mounting pressure, they must navigate the treacherous path between ensuring their secret remains buried and salvaging their rapidly deteriorating relationship.
Cottage Country is a darkly humorous exploration of the lengths people will go to protect their love, even in the face of murder. Packed with clever dialogue, unexpected plot twists, and unforgettable characters, this film delivers a rollercoaster of emotions that will leave audiences simultaneously laughing and on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Cottage CountryRelease Date:
14 Mar 2013Writers:
Jeremy BoxenAwards:
2 nominations