In Copilot (2021), a gripping drama unfolds as two students make a fateful decision to marry in secret, defying the objections of the woman's mother. Their vows in a mosque in Hamburg symbolize their commitment to each other, but soon, a shocking turn of events orchestrated by the man will have far-reaching consequences. As their lives take unexpected and turbulent turns, the film delves into the complexities of relationships, personal choices, and the impact of one person's actions on a global scale. Copilot explores themes of love, betrayal, and the intricate dynamics between individuals against the backdrop of a world that is forever altered by one decision. With compelling performances and a thought-provoking narrative, this film showcases the power of human connections, the consequences of our choices, and the enduring strength of love in the face of adversity. Experience the emotional journey of Copilot as it navigates through the intricacies of life, love, and the unforeseeable consequences of our actions.
Also Known As:
CopilotRelease Date:
11 Aug 2021Writers:
Stefanie Misrahi, Anne Zohra BerrachedAwards:
3 nominations