Cooking Up Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that tells the story of an Atlanta-based chef who finds herself in a predicament just weeks before Christmas. After getting fired from her job, she reluctantly takes on a new position as a live-in chef for a professional baseball player who is a single father to three children. This unexpected job opportunity forces her to navigate the challenges of blending her culinary skills with the responsibilities of caring for the player's children during the festive season.
As the chef adjusts to her new role, she discovers the importance of family, love, and the true spirit of Christmas. Through her culinary expertise, she not only impresses the family with her delectable dishes but also manages to bring them closer together during this special time of year.
Cooking Up Christmas is a delightful holiday film that showcases the power of food and family bonds. With a talented cast and a heartwarming story, this movie is sure to warm the hearts of viewers and leave them feeling uplifted and inspired. Get ready to embark on a festive culinary journey filled with love, laughter, and the magic of Christmas.
Also Known As:
Cooking Up ChristmasRelease Date:
15 Dec 2020Writers:
Angela Burt-Murray