Control (2004) is a gripping psychological thriller that follows the story of a sociopath on death row who is presented with a life-altering opportunity. In order to escape his imminent execution, he is given a chance to participate in a cutting-edge chemical behavioral modification program.
The film delves deep into the mind of the main character, exploring the twisted world of a sociopath and the potential for change through science. As the program begins, the sociopath's emotions and moral compass are fundamentally altered, raising profound questions about identity and humanity.
With a tense and atmospheric tone, Control keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they grapple with the moral implications of this experiment. As the story unfolds, viewers are confronted with complex psychological themes, diving into the depths of what it means to be human.
The exceptional performances by the talented cast bring the characters to life, adding another layer of intensity to the plot. The film's artful direction and haunting soundtrack further enhance the chilling atmosphere, leaving audiences captivated until the final frame.
Control is a thought-provoking and haunting exploration of human nature, packed with suspense and psychological intrigue. Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers, this film will keep viewers engaged as they question the boundaries of identity and morality.
Also Known As:
ControlRelease Date:
31 Mar 2005Writers:
Todd Slavkin, Darren SwimmerAwards:
1 nomination