The movie Congrats My Ex! follows the story of Risa, a woman who owns a wedding planning company and is surrounded by a group of close friends, including Jan and Aoffy. Risa's life takes a dramatic turn when her ex-boyfriend, Petch, suddenly reenters her life. This unexpected encounter sparks a series of events that lead Risa to question her choices and reconsider her past relationships.
As Risa navigates through the complexities of her feelings for Petch, she also deals with the challenges of running a successful business and maintaining her friendships. The film delves into themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery, exploring how the weight of the past can shape our present and future.
Throughout the movie, Risa learns valuable life lessons about forgiveness, understanding, and the true meaning of happiness. Supported by her friends, Risa must confront her own emotions and ultimately make a decision that could change the course of her life.
With its engaging storyline and relatable characters, Congrats My Ex! offers audiences a heartfelt and entertaining journey. This romantic drama is filled with emotional moments, comedy, and moments of self-reflection, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
Congrats My Ex!Release Date:
16 Nov 2023Writers:
Prueksa Amaruji, Vikram Malhotra, Vikram Yashpal Malhotra