Columbus Circle is a suspenseful thriller that follows the story of Abigail Clayton, an attractive heiress who has been living alone in her Manhattan loft apartment for almost two decades. Abigail disappeared on her 18th birthday after receiving a massive inheritance, and since then, she has had very limited contact with the outside world. Her only interactions are with her building's concierge, Klandermann, and Dr. Raymond Fontaine, a family friend.
When Abigail's elderly neighbor is found dead, NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello becomes involved in the investigation. To protect her privacy, Abigail has been trying to acquire the vacant apartment next door, but her requests remain unanswered. Instead, the apartment is rented to new tenants, Lillian and Charlie.
As Abigail watches her new neighbors from the safety of her front door's peephole, her well-ordered world starts to crumble. When she finally comes face-to-face with Lillian and Charlie, her sheltered existence is threatened in unexpected and terrifying ways.
Columbus Circle explores themes of isolation, fear, and the dangers that lurk behind closed doors. The movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mysteries surrounding Abigail and her peculiar circumstances.
This suspenseful film is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers, offering a gripping plot and compelling performances from its cast.
Also Known As:
Columbus CircleRelease Date:
24 Jan 2013Writers:
George Gallo, Kevin Pollak