In the movie Collision Earth (2011), an unprecedented event occurs when the sun transforms into a magnetar, resulting in disastrous consequences for the planet Mercury. As a result of this celestial phenomena, Mercury is thrust out of its orbit, along with a spacecraft that was investigating the planet. This sudden displacement sends both Mercury and the spacecraft hurtling towards Earth, presenting an imminent threat of collision.
Amidst the impending doom, a once-disgraced scientist finds himself facing a daunting task. With his failed weapon system, Project 7, Robert, the scientist, must harness this technology and devise a plan to save our planet from certain destruction. As time ticks away, Robert must confront his past failures and the skepticism of his peers to prove that his unconventional solution can save humanity.
Collision Earth is a gripping science fiction thriller that offers a captivating story and intense moments of tension as Earth's fate hangs in the balance. As viewers follow Robert's race against time, they are taken on a suspenseful journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Will Robert be able to overcome the doubts and obstacles standing in his way and save humanity from the catastrophic collision? Find out in this riveting and adrenaline-pumping film.