In the heartwarming holiday film Cold Feet at Christmas (2019), viewers are introduced to Maggie Colby, a woman who finds herself questioning her love for her fiancé, Douglas Wilshire, on their wedding day. Filled with doubt, she takes the brave step of running away from the ceremony, seeking solace and clarity. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she becomes stranded in a cozy lodge due to an intense blizzard.
As Maggie grapples with her emotions and tries to unravel her true feelings, she finds herself surrounded by an eclectic group of strangers also seeking refuge from the storm. Over the course of their unexpected bonding experience, Maggie begins to discover that love can often be found in the most unexpected places.
This heartwarming holiday tale explores themes of self-discovery, second chances, and the transformative power of love. With its festive setting and relatable characters, Cold Feet at Christmas captures the essence of the holiday spirit and teaches viewers important lessons about the nature of relationships.
Embrace the warmth and joy of the season with this delightful holiday film, guaranteed to leave you with a renewed appreciation for love and the magic of Christmas.
Also Known As:
Christmas Wedding RunawayRelease Date:
22 Dec 2019Writers:
Alison Spuck McNeeley, Casie Tabanou