Cockneys vs Zombies is a hilarious British comedy-horror film that revolves around a group of bumbling criminals with noble intentions. These inept crooks hatch a plan to rob a bank in order to save their grandfather's retirement home from being demolished. However, chaos arises when a group of construction workers accidentally stumbles upon a long-forgotten graveyard and gets bitten by the undead.
As the workers turn into bloodthirsty zombies, a chain reaction is set in motion, leading to a full-blown zombie apocalypse. Meanwhile, our bumbling bank robbers find themselves caught in a precarious situation, as they are cornered by the police in the midst of the heist. But when they eventually make their escape, they are confronted with a horrifying sight – their city is overrun with hordes of ravenous zombies.
With their lives at stake and their grandfather's retirement home in danger, the clueless gang must now embark on a daring mission to reach the retirement home before the zombies do. Armed with an assortment of weapons and their natural wit, they must navigate through a city filled with undead creatures, avoiding gruesome encounters and finding unexpected allies along the way.
Cockneys vs Zombies combines dark comedy, thrilling chase scenes, and plenty of gory zombie action into a highly entertaining and occasionally heartwarming tale. It's a race against time as these unlikely heroes fight for survival and attempt to rescue their loved ones from the clutches of the ravenous undead.