In Close Your Eyes (2002), a suspenseful thriller directed by Nick Willing, a hypnotherapist named Michael Strother is thrust into a terrifying investigation after having a telepathic vision. While treating a policewoman for smoking, Michael sees a young girl who is the victim of a violent serial killer. The girl is mute due to the trauma she has endured, and it becomes clear that she holds crucial secrets that could help capture the sadistic killer.
Scotland Yard enlists Michael's help in unraveling the girl's mind to uncover the information they need to catch the murderer. As he delves deeper into the girl's psyche, Michael discovers that the killer believes he has discovered the key to immortality, making him even more dangerous. Faced with mounting pressure, Michael must use his unique hypnotic abilities to unlock the girl's memories and ultimately stop the killer before he strikes again.
Close Your Eyes is a gripping psychological thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its skillful blend of suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements, the film explores the intricate workings of the human mind and its vulnerabilities. The tension builds steadily throughout as Michael races against time to crack the case, uncovering shocking truths along the way. With its compelling storyline and strong performances by its talented cast, Close Your Eyes is a must-watch for fans of the genre.