In Close Range (2015), a former soldier turned outlaw finds himself in a high-stakes battle against a corrupt sheriff and the dangerous cartel he serves. The protagonist, Colton MacReady, becomes determined to protect his niece and sister from the clutches of these ruthless criminals. As the events unfold, Colton is faced with a series of intense and brutal confrontations.
The movie focuses on the strong bond between family members and the lengths one man is willing to go to protect his loved ones. Colton's skills as a skilled fighter and marksman are put to the test as he takes on numerous adversaries, showcasing his relentless determination and resourcefulness.
Close Range offers a gripping and action-packed storyline, filled with suspenseful sequences. Viewers can expect intense gunfights, thrilling chase scenes, and jaw-dropping stunts. As tensions rise, the film delves into themes of corruption, justice, and the consequences of one's past actions.
With its fast-paced plot, gripping action sequences, and a compelling performance by the lead actor, Close Range is sure to keep viewers at the edge of their seats. This adrenaline-fueled ride is suitable for fans of action-packed thrillers looking for an enthralling and suspenseful cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Close RangeRelease Date:
11 Dec 2015Writers:
Chad Law, Shane Dax Taylor