Clickbait is a gripping new thriller series that takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and mystery. The story revolves around Nick Brewer, a devoted family man who suddenly finds himself at the center of a criminal abduction with a disturbing online twist. As the tension rises, Nick's loved ones embark on a frantic mission to uncover the identity of the perpetrator and their motive.
This gripping series explores the dark underbelly of the internet and its potential to manipulate people's lives. With each episode, the mystery deepens, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the truth. As the plot unfolds, secrets, betrayals, and hidden agendas come to light, forcing the characters to question everything they thought they knew.
Clickbait delves into the impact of social media and mass hysteria, examining the way it can shape public perception and destroy lives. The series raises thought-provoking questions about identity, morality, and the consequences of our actions in the digital age.
With its talented ensemble cast and expertly crafted storytelling, Clickbait is a must-watch for fans of gripping thrillers. Prepare to be captivated by its twists and turns, as you join the characters in their race against time to expose the truth and save Nick Brewer.
Also Known As:
ClickbaitRelease Date:
25 Aug 2021Writers:
Tony Ayres, Christian WhiteAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations