In City of Gold (2018), Jonathan Davenport, a troubled media tycoon, embarks on a journey to the Peruvian Amazon with his estranged lover. Their purpose is to locate a mysterious recluse artist who resides in a rebel-occupied area. Though their motives seem noble, their quest unravels a sinister and foreboding secret hidden within Jonathan.
This thrilling movie delves into the complexities of Jonathan's character as he confronts his inner demons while navigating through dangerous and unfamiliar terrain. As the story unfolds, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, captivated by the increasingly dark and ominous atmosphere that envelops Jonathan and his companion.
City of Gold beautifully captures the awe-inspiring beauty of the Peruvian Amazon, juxtaposing it against the tension and suspense of the plot. The film explores themes of love, redemption, and self-discovery, as Jonathan is forced to confront his own troubled past while facing the dangers of rebel occupation.
This engaging narrative is enhanced by strong performances from the cast and stunning cinematography that paints a vivid picture of both the breathtaking landscape and the internal struggle of the protagonist. As the movie builds towards its climax, viewers are left questioning the true nature of Jonathan's motives and the extent to which he may be connected to the darkness that plagues him.
City of Gold is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that will keep audiences enthralled from start to finish.
Also Known As:
The City of GoldRelease Date:
04 Dec 2018Writers:
Ronald A. Blum