Children of the Snow is a gripping documentary that delves into the chilling story of the Oakland County Child Killer, a series of unsolved kidnappings, captivity, and murders that took place in the suburbs of Detroit four decades ago. This notorious case remains one of the most perplexing mysteries in American true crime history.
The film takes viewers on a journey through the events surrounding the abductions of four young individuals and the subsequent manhunt that gripped the nation. With interviews from surviving family members, investigators, and journalists involved in the case, Children of the Snow provides a comprehensive and haunting account of the crimes.
Director J. Reuben Appelman skillfully weaves together archival footage, crime scene photographs, and reenactments to reconstruct the harrowing experiences of the victims. While the identity of the Oakland County Child Killer has never been definitively determined, the film examines several potential suspects and theories surrounding the case.
Filled with suspense and engrossing storytelling, Children of the Snow captures the fear and anguish that plagued the community during this dark period. This documentary sheds light on a deeply unsettling investigation that still haunts both the victims' families and the city of Detroit to this day.
Also Known As:
Children of the SnowRelease Date:
18 Feb 2019Awards:
1 nomination