In Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, the beloved protagonist Ginger leads her flock of chickens to a safe haven on a tranquil island after successfully escaping from the tyrannical Tweedy's farm. However, their peaceful existence is soon shattered as a new danger emerges for all chickens on the mainland. Faced with this grave threat, Ginger and her team make a bold decision to embark on a daring mission to infiltrate their old enemy's territory.
This highly anticipated sequel to the original Chicken Run promises to deliver another heartwarming and comedic adventure filled with unforgettable characters. Audiences can expect the same charm and humor that made the first film a hit, as well as exciting new twists and turns.
With stunning animation and a captivating storyline, Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget is set to captivate audiences of all ages. Fans of the original movie will be delighted to reunite with their favorite feathery friends, while new viewers will be introduced to the endearing world of Ginger and her courageous flock.
Gear up for an exhilarating journey as Ginger and her team face their biggest challenge yet. Will they triumph over the new threat and ensure the safety of all chickens? Find out in Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget.
Also Known As:
Chicken Run: Dawn of the NuggetRelease Date:
15 Dec 2023Writers:
Karey Kirkpatrick, John O'Farrell, Rachel TunnardAwards:
1 nomination