Chaos Theory (2008) is a gripping comedy-drama that follows the life of Frank Allen, a time-management specialist, as he recounts a series of unexpected events that challenge his meticulously organized life. At his daughter's wedding, Frank corners the groom and shares a story about the night he met his wife and the subsequent events that led to a marriage crisis eight years later.
The story unfolds as a missed ferry, a corporate groupie, a panicked expectant mother, and a medical test all come together to disrupt Frank's carefully planned existence. Alongside Frank are his wife Susan, their daughter Jesse, and his best friend Buddy, whose carefree nature contrasts with Frank's structured approach to life.
As tensions escalate, the crisis reaches its climax at a lake where Frank, armed with a shotgun, decides to make a bold and irreversible decision. The film explores the idea of whether there is ever room for spontaneity and unpredictability in the face of strict time-management practices.
Chaos Theory is both heartwarming and thought-provoking as it delves into the complexities of relationships, the importance of embracing the unexpected, and the challenges of finding a balance between control and living in the moment. Viewers are taken on an emotional journey filled with laughter, tears, and introspection.
Also Known As:
Chaos TheoryRelease Date:
26 Oct 2007Writers:
Daniel TaplitzAwards:
1 nomination