Chain of Command is a gripping documentary series that offers an up-close and personal look at the battle against violent extremism and the dedicated individuals who are committed to putting an end to it. Spanning an entire year, the series takes viewers on a global journey, highlighting the fight against radical threats in various corners of the world.
This intimate portrait delves deep into the lives of soldiers, intelligence officers, and policy makers who are at the forefront of this ongoing war. Viewers will witness their struggles, triumphs, and sacrifices as they work tirelessly to dismantle terrorist networks and protect innocent lives.
Through exclusive access to classified information and unprecedented interviews, Chain of Command provides a unique perspective on the complexities of combating extremism. It explores the intricate web of intelligence gathering, surveillance, and the strategic decision-making process involved in tackling these threats head-on.
With its powerful storytelling and remarkable cinematography, Chain of Command is a thought-provoking and eye-opening series that sheds light on the global fight against terrorism. It offers viewers an inside look at the brave men and women who selflessly dedicate their lives to protecting our world, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the ongoing battle against violent extremism.
Also Known As:
Chain of CommandRelease Date:
15 Jan 2018